Thursday 25 February 2010


It seems Warner Brothers are intent on drawing a line through Bryan Singer's vision of Superman, casting their eyes to the success of another comic book outing in search of the Holy Grail: a successful reboot.

According to Empire, Christopher Nolan has already been approached to give his views on a possible reinvention of The Man of Steel. Now, David Goyer, who has contributed to both Nolan Batman outing’s is in negotiations to write the script.

Latino review brings word that Goyer, will not be burdened with an origin story, after-all we should know it by now! But, the film will definitely steer away from Singer’s direction of Superman Returns. Not even Superman himself is safe, with Brendon Routh unlikely to return.

So what direction will Goyer take you ask? Well back to the John Byrne incarnation apparently, which means concentrating on fun spectacle, and less on emotional angst.



We really, really mean it!

Paramount have green lit the sequel to 2001 cult classic Zoolander, with Justin Theroux [see: Tropic Thunder and Iron Man 2] set to collaborate with Mr. 'Blue Steel' himself Ben Stiller.

According to Deadline Hollywood, Theroux is set to parade around Fashion Week in the name of 'research' as it hits Paris to ''immerse himself on what is current in fashion''.

While still in early development possible plot and casting information remains sketchy, though it is hoped Owen Wilson will return to complete the reunion of male models Hansel and Derek. Jonah Hill is reportedly in negotiations to fill the role of villain vacated by Will Ferrell's Mugatu.

But, hang on to your britches there is a string attached to this movie goodness, a shoe string actually. Paramount has decided to set a low budget following dire box office takings from Zoolander. However, this action seems a harsh one, taking into consideration that the original was released immediately post September 11th, and consequently suffered. In fact, if not for its post box office cult status Derek and Hansel would have been confined to male modeling history.