Wednesday 24 March 2010

Lutz Signs To War Of The Gods

Kellen Lutz, more recently known as Emmet Cullen in The Twilight Saga, is to stay amongst the immortals in his next role, having agreed to play Poseidon for Tarem Singh’s ‘War of the Gods’.

The film, originally titled ‘Dawn of War’, has been in development for a number of years. At first it was believed that the project would go head to head with Louis Leterrier’s ‘Clash of the Titans’, but has yet to shoot.

The film revolves around the conflict between the Greek gods and elder gods known as the Titans. Henry Cavil [The Tudor’s] plays Greek warrior Theseus, fighting to stop the Titan’s led by Hyperion [Mickey Rourke] as the war rages through Greece. Lutz’ Poseidon will act to support Theseus in his titanic struggles.

Singh has revealed that he has a specific visual style in mind as he revealed to Firstshowing.comIt's turning into, basically, Caravaggio meets Fight Club. It's a really hardcore action film done in Renaissance painting style. I'm going for a very contemporary look on top of that so I'm kind of going with, you know, Renaissance time with electricity… a bit like Baz Luhrmann doing Romeo + Juliet in Mexico; it's just taking a particular Greek tale and half [make it contemporary] and telling it’.

Singh will start shooting next month, with the script having been through the writer’s mill of redrafts, with Jason Keller’s the latest.

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