Friday 12 March 2010

Trailer Debut: Twilight Eclipse

Yes, it is that time already, with the premier of Twilight: Eclipse set for July 9 here in the UK, the theatre conquest starts here. It has been reported by Empire that this is one of many new trailers due before its release. Good news, for its avid followers.

The third book in the series centres on the developing love triangle between Bella (Kristen Stewart), her vampire lover Edward (Robert Pattinson) and lovesick-pup friend Jacob (Taylor Lautner).

Bryce Dallas Howard replaces Rachel Lefevre as Victoria, the would-be vampire bitch, who forms an army of super strong newborn vampires to seek revenge on our tangled trio.

The Eclipse trailer continues the pursuit of love-driven angst of previous releases. But, this is where New Moon failed, tipping the fine balance of entertainment in favour of scenes that verge on torturous pining. Hopefully Eclipse will do just that, and see a return to the enjoyable Twilight original.

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