Wednesday 7 April 2010

Paul Greengrass Set For A Fantastic Voyage

Known for his visceral immediacy and hand-held majesty, Paul Greengrass is not the first name that would be drawn out if you were thinking about recreating a 1966’s classic Sci-Fi romp Fantastic Voyage, yet he is circling the job that is being produced by James Cameron’s Lightstorm Entertainment.

According to Variety, the film is being treated as a big event movie by 2Oth Century Fox. It will be shot in the Cameron patented 3d technology used on the ground-breaking Avatar, in other words it will be properly shot in 3d, and not converted in the editing process of post-production like many new releases under the guise of 3d.

The script penned by Shane Salerno sees a scientist who is gravely ill, with no conventional help available, his colleagues are miniaturized and injected into the bloodstream so they can battle his medical issues with the help of a high-tech sub.

After the political yarns of the Bourne franchise and Green Zone dominating Greengrass’ work plate of late, it would indeed be a step in a different direction, but that just may be the point. There is a time when undeniable talent becomes tired and flat carving the same ornament each time, and this would provide a completely fresh challenge to his trademark style, there is no doubt that this project would deliver a very different Greengrass film, and we for one would love to see it. 


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