Tuesday 27 April 2010

Edgar Wright's Ant Man Crawls Forward.

Marvel continue to strike while the iron is hot within their back catalogue characters with their hopes to bring Ant Man to big screen being pursued with Edgar Wright [Scott Pilgrim]. Despite Iron Man 2 taking up their focus with it immienent due date, Marvel's Kevin Feige has revealed some news about Wright's Ant Man.

Wright himself is very bust applying the polish to Scott Pilgrim Versus The World in post production with the film set for an August release. Of course once finished he will have the worldwide press junket to take up the rest of the year. But Marvel Studio's have been snatching time to have Wright in their California offices to strike out a proposed time-scale on the project.

Via Superhero Hype, Feige reveals: "Edgar was in LA last week, we sat down, and we started working on a calender of when to get him back into it once he finishes promoting Scott Pilgrim, so i think towards the end of this year, early next year we'd start looking at early prep for that, but certainly for a release date after The Avengers."

The information that we can take from this is that Ant Man at least will not hit the screens until after The Avengers 2012, side note this film currently has no officially signed director even with al the talk of Joss Whedon attached, this not concrete? Is our man Wright in contention? Secondly, and most frustrating, we must assume that any collaboration with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost for the final of the Cornetto trilogy [Shaun of the Dead and Hott Fuzz] is going to have to wait.


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