Tuesday 27 April 2010

Marvel To Go Small Scale

With each evolution of the comic book adaptation genre, the scale grows with the landscape of CGI SCI FI fantasy blown to epic proportions thanks to James Cameron and Avatar. Where are Marvel set to go after the four character strong epic The Avengers? Rein it in apparently.

According to CHUDD, Marvel Studios' are currently discussing with a host of writers and directors on the possibility of small scale movies based on their long back catalogue of characters. The price bracket being banded around of twenty to forty million dollars is minute in comparison to modern day studio features; however it is seen as an experiment. Smaller budgets will allow the opportunity for more risk in terms of character, plot and using lesser known talents who would not be given the opportunity otherwise.

The characters being on the role call are Dr. Strange, KaZar, Luke Cage, Dazzler and Power Pack are among the long list of possibles to be put in to production. It is believed as long as the vision is right for Marvel tthere is no no go areas for possible productions, which is all a bit exiing really.

This plan will allow Marvel to do two things, one infilitrate cinema with an ever growing universe of their characters, and secondly deliver them in fresh and different ways. Without doubt the comic book adaptation market has dominated the box office since the millennium, but the with each new release the sameness is growing, smaller budget, more imaginative processes will allow they type of freedom to new upcoming talents to deliver something that is not prohibited by mainstream expectations from studios.


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