Tuesday 27 April 2010

Ridley Scott on Alien Prequel

The latest press junkets for Ridley Scott's Robin Hood are being treated as golden opportunities to probe the upcoming Alien Prequel. When he sat down with MTV this week he revealed certain gems to the his planned Alien prequel.

In its current state the film is being polished up and being readied for production; "As we speak, I've got a pile of pages next to me; it's like the fourth draft. It's a work in progress, but we're not dreaming it up anymore. We know what the story is. We're now actually trying to improve the three acts and make the characters better, build it up to something [we can shoot]. It's a work in progress, but we're actually making the film. There's no question about it, we're going to make the film.

Now it's a matter of, how good can I get the screenplay in the next few weeks so I can get a good ballpark figure of what it will cost. I've already got people working graphically on designs for the various requirements of the film."

As it has been revealed before the film will focus in thirty years previous to the original Alien and will centre on the orginal spaceship that was discovered. " It's set in 2085, about 30 years before Sigourney [Weaver's character Ellen Ripley]. It's fundamentally about going out to find out 'Who the hell was that Space Jockey?' The guy who was sitting in the chair in the alien vehicle — there was a giant fellow sitting in a seat on what looked to be either a piece of technology or an astronomer's chair. Remember that?

And our man [Tom Skerritt as Captain Dallas] climbs up and says "There's been an explosion in his chest from the inside out — what was that?" I'm basically explaining who that Space Jockey — we call him the Space Jockey — I'm explaining who the space jockeys were."

And this is not all after the rehashing or 'homages' as Scott suggests to his origianl work he will look to freshen up the look of the infamous xenomorphs with a renewed collaboration with H.R.Giger. "Yeah, the thing about "Alien vs. Predator" is, I know it's commerce, but what a pity. I think, therefore, I have to design — or redesign — earlier versions of what these elements are that led to the thing you finally see in "Alien," which is the thing that catapults out of the egg, the face-hugger."

And still there is more; Scott wants two movies. Scott asked by Collider stated that the idea is that there would be "Prequel one and two, then Alien 1." With the first to hit the screenslate 2011 or 2012.

While you digest the news, we wait with anticipation for more news.


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